"You are what you eat." Oh dear...

14th Street stop on the A/C

Yesterday's weather: 15 Celsius/60 Fahrenheit & sunny. What a tease.

I want one!!!
(Photo courtesy of the BBC)

Tip for cold, slushy afternoons: check out the iTunes Celebrity Playlists. Revel in the atrocious choices of people you hate, shake your head at the pathetically predictable ones of people you're indifferent about and gasp with surprise at the misguided attempts to appear cool of the people you had (until you checked their playlists out) sort of liked.
My (only) favorite: Lemony Snicket. Go figure.
And since I'm trash talking I guess I should ante up. TB posted ASAP: my own atrocious, pathetically predictable, misguided and uncool playlist.

I have a tendency to stumble upon strange things. Like this. On a tropical beach.

A real eyeful in the morning.

I love lists. This one was inspired by Andrea's blog (whose picture, above, I also stole):
4 jobs I´ve had:
-video store clerk
-coffee slinger
-production assistant
-creative maximizer
4 movies I could watch over and over:
-Bridget Jones's Diary
-Stealing Beauty
-Spirited Away
4 places I´ve lived:
-Bucharest, Romania
-Munich, Germany
-Vancouver, Canada
-New York
4 TV shows I love:
-The Simpsons
-Arrested Development
-The Amazing Race
4 places I´ve vacationed:
-Budapest, Hungary
-Granada, Spain
-Havana, Cuba
4 of my favorite dishes:
FreshDirect minestrone soup
-salmon sashimi
-french fries with melted cheese
-mom's 'salade de boeuf'
4 sites I visit (almost) daily:
The Independent-
Netflix4 places I´d rather be right now (right now being a Sunday afternoon):
-walking along the Seine in Paris
-watching the ocean on a beach in New Zealand
-on a train in Europe (from anywhere to anywhere really)
-reading in my favorite armchair in the apartment I grew up in

Started my Model Making class today. I'm more excited about it than I care to admit.

I took this photo while having a lemonade of the terrace of a cafe in Havana. I could use a lemonade & a change of scenery right now.

If I lived in London I would ride the bus all the time. Would I miss the smell of hobo urine in the morning?